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We frequently represent clients facing prosecution for driving with excess alcohol, more usually known as drink-driving, and are often asked: ‘How are drink driving fines calculated?’ Upon conviction for an...
Why would I need to represent myself? In the Magistrates Court, obtaining legal aid in order to be represented by a lawyer is dependent upon your financial means as well...
If your child has been arrested and/or charged to go to court, or if they have been released under investigation by the police, you should consult solicitors who possess the...
Extradition takes place when someone who is accused or has been convicted of a criminal offence is returned from one country to another to be tried, to receive a sentence...
We advise and assist motorists on a daily basis in relation to a variety of matters concerning motoring law. These issues can include: Assisting a client for interview by the...
Representing yourself in the Magistrates Court? We can help   Have you been refused legal aid? Are you facing the prospect of having to appear in court without a lawyer?...
There has been much media speculation recently concerning a number of convictions which are currently being reviewed by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) following an announcement that several cases appear...
Anyone convicted, cautioned or released from a prison sentence for sexual offences against children or adults after September 1997 is required to ‘sign’ on the sexual offences register. The sex...
Criminal investigations in to historic offences have undoubtedly increased over the last few years, particularly following the exposure of Jimmy Saville. Sentencing of historic offences, and not just historic cases...
Sexual Harm Prevention Orders (SHPO) are a common additional order imposed by a court following convictions for sexual offences. They may include preventing travel overseas, restrictions on certain forms of...
Being accused of a criminal offence can have a devastating impact on every aspect of your life. For suspects with no previous experience of the criminal justice system, the impact...
Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. There has been a significant rise in the amount of fly-tipping incidents in recent years and Councils are clamping down on the disposal...

Blue Badge Misuse

Blue badges: Who can use them, when can they be used and the consequences for breaching the rules. A Blue Badge is available to those who suffer from certain disabilities...
All criminal defence solicitors will have to represent children and young persons both at the police station as suspects, and in court in criminal proceedings. Some solicitors enjoy this type...
Attending a police station for a voluntary interview under caution is now more commonly used than ever. Such interviews certainly have benefits for those who are required to attend because...
Dacă citiți acest articol, este posibil să fi fost una dintre miile de persoane care, după ce au fost intervievate de poliție sub avertisment, s-au găsit într-o stare de incertitudine...
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