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Last year, there were over 20,000 recorded indecent child image incidents across all on-line and social media platforms. The NSPCC have stated that this equates to one incident image being...
Extrădarea are loc atunci când cineva care este acuzat sau a fost condamnat pentru o infracțiune este predat unei ale țari pentru a fi judecat, pentru a primi sentința sau...

What is joint custody?

Joint custody is known by many names including shared custody and shared residence, but the official term is joint residence. Joint residence refers to an agreement that a child lives...
The time it takes to resolve child custody matters depends entirely on your circumstances. Applications to the Family Court follow a standard procedure; however this can be adapted to suit...
The law in relation to self-defence is not always readily understood. It can be misinterpreted and misapplied and when this happens it can create grave injustice. Under the common law,...
Parental Responsibility is a legal term which means you have the right to make decisions on behalf of your children including; where they live, where they go to school and...
We frequently represent clients facing prosecution for driving with excess alcohol, more usually known as drink-driving, and are often asked: ‘How are drink driving fines calculated?’ Upon conviction for an...
We are seeing more and more couples having children outside of marriage as the cost of living rises and they are forced to choose between a house and a wedding....

Tier 2 visa demand surges

The number of applications received by the Home Office from UK employers for Tier 2 visas to enable them to employ skilled non-EU workers continues to exceed the restricted numbers...
Why would I need to represent myself? In the Magistrates Court, obtaining legal aid in order to be represented by a lawyer is dependent upon your financial means as well...
During a separation, where children live is often the most contentious issue. It might take long, stressful negotiations or even court for you to decide. Then several weeks, months or...
If your child has been arrested and/or charged to go to court, or if they have been released under investigation by the police, you should consult solicitors who possess the...
Unmarried couples do not have the same legal rights as married couple, even if they live together or own property together. There is no legal definition or living together, and...
Extradition takes place when someone who is accused or has been convicted of a criminal offence is returned from one country to another to be tried, to receive a sentence...
Under current UK legislation, grandparents do not have any rights regarding their grandchildren. This means grandparents can be denied access to their grandchildren following a divorce. MPs have called upon...
We advise and assist motorists on a daily basis in relation to a variety of matters concerning motoring law. These issues can include: Assisting a client for interview by the...
After child custody, financial assets are the second most contentious part of a divorce. Just like child custody, you and your ex-partner can choose exactly how to divide your money...
Children tend to be central to the separation process. Parents often find it hard to agree where their children will live, leading to long and drawn out proceedings. This can...
Representing yourself in the Magistrates Court? We can help   Have you been refused legal aid? Are you facing the prospect of having to appear in court without a lawyer?...
There has been much media speculation recently concerning a number of convictions which are currently being reviewed by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) following an announcement that several cases appear...
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